Panasonic KX-TS7703 Extension phone Mall+254
Panasonic KX-TS7703 Extension phone is one of the best communication tools used by so many organizations in Kenya today.
KX-TS7703 Extension phone is categorized as follows, it is under the Landline & Telephony broad category, it is also under PANASONIC UNIFIED COMMUNICATION gadgets the Panasonic KX-TS7703X communication desktop phone is of the highest quality.
Panasonic KX-ts 7703 is an effective extension phone when used together with the panasonic KX-TS824 PBX system which is a PBX system that supports up to 24 KX-ts7703 extension phone when an extension card is used.
KX-ts7703 phone is also combined with Panasonic KX-NS500 to create an excellent intercom system in small and medium organizations.
This Panasonic KX-T7703 Phone that has some of the best Corded Landline capabilities can be said to be a phone that comes with the following capabilities.
Panasonic KX-TS7703 Single Line Corded Landline Telephone comes with a Caller ID that has extreme Compatibility meant for Smooth Communication. hence the user on the receiving end will know who is calling.
KX-TS7703 phone display Caller information for a period of not less than 30 minutes remain all logged in the caller’s bio list. This call retention capability for a maximum of 30 call logs gives the user a convenient option to redial or check the call history when making important communication decisions.
Psnasonic KX-TS7703 comes with a functionality that allows the user to redial the latest 5 numbers in the call log. At any given moment.
KX-TS7703 Corded Landline Phone is some of the best in Kenya today in terms of affordable pricing and high quality. Buy the Panasonic KX –T7703 and get amazing discounts, we also offer free transportation within a certain radius.
Panasonic KX-TS7703 Single Line Corded Landline Telephone is developed to be used even by people with zero technical skill. KX-TS7703 phone can be deployed for use straight from the manufactures box. This phone does not need any batteries and come with an installed phonebook capability that can handle up to 30 numbers and also come with a quality Caller ID
Panasonic KX-T7703 specifications
- Comes with one of the highest quality LCD Display feature that includes a – 2 Line (16 Digits together with the Date)
- There are 4 Levels of LCD Contrast inbuilt feature.
- Comes with a state of the art Caller ID
- The Panasonic KX-T7703 has an installed capability to store a maximum of 30 logs in Number Phonebook
- One of the most prominent features in this phone is the ability to execute 5 Last Number Auto-Redial capabilities.
- There is also an adjustable Ringer Volume Control from Low to High at can also be turned off.
Panasonic KX-TS7703 Extension phone
KX-TS7703 Extension phone
Panasonic KX-TS824 PBX system price
KX-TS824 PBX system KENYA
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