Access control

Biometric Time Attendance Installation and Setup Package Using ZK K40 Reader

Biometric Time Attendance Installation and Setup Package Using ZK K40 Reader

Biometric Time Attendance Installation and Setup Package Using ZK K40 Reader

Biometric Time Attendance Installation and Setup Package Using ZK K40 Reader from the leading access control and time attendance terminal, buy online and have it installed at a favourable price.

Mtech Networks has come up with a package to assist small and Medium scale business who wish to keep track of the time the employee report and leave work place by developing a time clocking system cable of give daily, weekly, monthly or year data report on when the employees login in and out of work places.

The systems is lobust in a way it is able to capture work shift, overtime etc. Buy the ZKteco k40 system package today and our shop and have peace of mind not  wondering if you employees have checkin in the work place or not

DescriptionUnitQTYUnit PriceTOTAL
ZKTeco zk K40 Biometric Time Attendance Terminalpcs1 KES         14,000.00 KES         14,000.00
Power Supply Unit Amp + Batterypcs1 KES           6,000.00 KES           6,000.00
Accessorieslot1 KES           2,000.00 KES           2,000.00
Setup, Software Installation and Configuationlot1 KES           8,000.00 KES           8,000.00
Sub Total Exclusve VAT                  30,000.00
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